
Wise Transitions

About Wise-Transitions

Wise-Transitions was established in 2022 in response to a pressing need for comprehensive support for adult family members and their aging seniors. With over 56 million adults aged 65 and older in the United States, accounting for approximately 16.9% of the population as per the U.S. Census Bureau, the demand for caregiver assistance and resources is more significant than ever.

Our mission at Wise-Transitions is to guide families and seniors through the intricate journey of aging. We offer education, coaching, and expert advice on navigating the shifting roles and responsibilities that come with these new roles. This journey can be both fulfilling and complex, and we're here to help illuminate the path.

We understand that seniors and their family often grapple with feelings of fear, frustration, and uncertainty. That's why our services are designed to foster trust, peace, and safety. By providing resources and guidance, we aim to ease transitions, uphold respect, and promote positivity. At Wise-Transitions, we're not just about surviving this journey—we're about thriving through it with love and understanding.

Senior Care Advisor and Executive Coach

About Amy Spring

Amy Spring, the cornerstone of Wise-Transitions, is a dedicated physical therapist whose professional life has been devoted to healthcare leadership in varied capacities such as home care agencies, hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities. A distinguished alumnus of D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY, Amy's professional expertise coupled with her in-depth understanding of the nuances of the healthcare system equip her to navigate its complexities with ease. She has witnessed first-hand the changes in healthcare practices and family structures, with families often living far apart, adding another layer of complexity to caregiving.

Being in the field, hands-on with aging individuals and their adult family members, as well as leading teams at the forefront of healthcare, Amy's holistic experience addresses the comprehensive challenges that come with senior care. Through Wise-Transitions, she offers personalized services such as consultation and coaching, holistic plan development to ensure balance, and support network establishment, empowering adult family members to navigate the delicate balance of career and supporting aging parents.

Amy's journey as an adult caregiver to her parents and relatives has fortified her commitment to improving senior care and aging support. This personal exposure has sharpened her insight into the challenges families face while balancing work, family, and supporting roles. Her mission through Wise-Transitions is to guide and support adult children in finding harmony in their careers, caring for aging parents, and maintaining a sense of self.

Amy understands the intricate challenges seniors and families caring for aging or sick loved ones encounter, with the evolving healthcare landscape and changing family structures adding complexity to the journey. Through Wise-Transitions, she offers personalized services including consultation and coaching, holistic plan development to ensure balance, and support network establishment. Amy's approach is rooted in the belief that no one should have to choose between their careers, self-care, family, and supporting responsibilities.

She offers the assurance of having a compassionate guide who understands their challenges and is dedicated to helping them navigate this phase with tangible results, ensuring dignity, respect, and peace of mind for both families and seniors.

Let Wise-Transitions help you!

Email me at: AmySpring@Wise-transitions.com.

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